
02/03/2021 — New features for TUMexam announced

With the next update of TUMexam in the next week we will provide two new exciting features:

  • Proctoring with BBB and Zoom
    We are providing a new feature allowing to distribute a group of students to multiple rooms in BBB or Zoom. The distribution can be done manually, e.g. for writing time extension, or automatically for an even distribution of attendees over rooms. To that end, links are simply copied to TUMexam. The respective proctoring link for each student is displayed when selecting the respective exam on the submission platform.
  • Editable sample solutions
    In a future version of TUMexam we will allow correctors to jointly edit a sample solution when using the iPad app for correction. This allows to annotate the sample solution and provide details on how decisions were made to other correctors. We expect that corrections can benefit from that feature and become more consistent across different correctors.

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