04/24/2024 — Instances for summer term 2024 available
Instances for the summer term 2024 can be requested here. If you use our LaTeX template, please use the version supplied with your instance.
04/06/2024 — Login on backends currently not possible
There is currently a malfunction when logging in to backends. A solution is already being worked on.
April 08, 2024 — Login is working again.
April 07, 2024 — Furhter information can be found under the URL of your instance.
12/01/2023 — Number of Exams
In 2023, TUMexam was used for 106,176 exams from 712 lectures across TUM, mainly at the School of Computation, Information and Technology and the School of Engineering and Design. Around 10,000 of these exams are digital (remote) exams. Over the past three years, the use of TUMexam has doubled again.
11/08/2023 — Instances for winter term 2023 available
Instances for the winter term 2023 can be requested here. If you use our LaTeX template, please use the version supplied with your instance. Please also note the new process to register students (manual Section 5) and how to publish review links using Moodle (Appendix B).
10/20/2023 — Shutdown of SoSe 2023 instances
Instances of SoSe 2023 will be routinely shutdown and archived on November 30, 2023. Access to those instances is no longer possible after that date. Please note our information regarding archiving of exams.
08/22/2023 — Scheduled maintenance on August 24, 2023 starting at 7:00pm
Instances will not be available for a short time on Thursday starting at 7:00 pm due to software updates. Online reviews (feedback pages for students) are also affected.
04/12/2023 — Shutdown of WiSe 2022 instances
Instances of WiSe 2022 will be routinely shutdown and archived on May 31, 2023. Access to those instances is no longer possible after that date. Please note our information regarding archiving of exams.
02/27/2023 — Added FAQ Section to the manual
A FAQ Section was added in Appendix E to the manual.
11/03/2022 — Shutdown of SoSe 2022 instances
Instances of SoSe 2022 will be routinely shutdown and archived on November 25, 2022. Access to those instances is no longer possible after that date. Please note our information regarding archiving of exams.
10/20/2022 — Instances for winter term 2022 available
Instances for the winter term 2022 can be requested here. If you use our LaTeX template, please use the latest version.
10/19/2022 — Cutting machine in MI -1.08.040 repaired
The cutting machine of the computer science (room -1.08.040) has been repaired
10/12/2022 — Cutting machine in MI -1.08.040 broken
The cutting machine of the computer science (room -1.08.040) is currently defective. Smaller exams (<50 copies) stapled as booklet can be cut with a manual cutting machine available there.
For larger examinations, the MPI student body of the department will kindly help out:
- Please call 18540 to make an appointment.
- The exams will be cut by instructed representatives of the student body, not by yourself.
- Single stapled exams (one pin at the top left) are generally not cut by the cutter and must be cut elsewhere.
We will inform you here once the cutting machine has been repaired.
08/12/2022 — Note regarding archiving of protocols and attendee lists
Please note that also protocols and attendee lists should be scanned. This is the only way we can guarantee complete archival of your exams.
05/03/2022 — Instances for summer term 2022 available
Instances for the summer term 2022 can be requested here. If you use our LaTeX template, please use the latest version.
04/20/2022 — Shutdown of WiSe 2021 instances
Instances of WiSe 2022 will be routinely shutdown and archived on June 1, 2022. Access to those instances is no longer possible after that date. Please note our information regarding archiving of exams.
11/11/2021 — Shutdown of SoSe 2021 instances
Instances of SoSe 2021 will be routinely shutdown and archived on December 1, 2021. Access to those instances is no longer possible after that date. Please note our information regarding archiving of exams.
11/05/2021 — Instances for winter term 2021 available
Instances for the winter term 2021 can be requested here. If you use our LaTeX template, please use the latest version.
11/02/2021 — Examinations at a department with 7,000 students
Demo at the University Future Festival 2021: In dieser Session zeigen wir euch was TUMexam ist, wie es funktioniert und wie mit TUMexam jährlich über 40.000 Prüfungen durchgeführt werden. Zusätzlich wird es eine Live Demonstration mit einer Probeklausur als Beispiel geben, an der die Teilnehmer:innen sowohl die Studierenden- als auch die Lehrendenperspektive einnehmen werden.
10/21/2021 — Archiving WiSe 2020 and change to centralized archiving
The archiving of instances from WiSe 2020 is complete. Instances from WiSe 2021 onwards will be archived centrally on cold storage. For the transition period (WiSe 2021 and SoSe 2021) we will create archive disks only on request. Independent of that, those instances will additionally be archived according to the new process.
More information regarding our archiving process can be found here.
09/01/2021 — iPad Correction App wont start/install
UPDATE: The certificate was just updated. Version 3.1.4 (the current stable version) can now be installed again.
The correction app is currently unavailable since the Apple Codesigning Certificate issued to TUM has expired. Please note, that we do not administer this certificate nor operate the build environment. Until the issue has been resolved, please use TUMexam's web-based correction mode. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
You can set the iPad System time to a date before the 31st of August 2021 as a workaround.
08/27/2021 — Scanstations updated to Debian 11
The Scanstations were updated to Debian 11. If necessary, an older image can be selected while booting.
05/14/2021 — iPad App v3 released
The iPad Correction App is available in version 3 with a lot of new features and improvements:
- Added support for correction flags
- Added support for personalized sample solutions
- Added support for sample solutions during subproblem correction
- Added lock overview
- New sidebar Layout for main menu of the app
- Improved the results table view to be more rich in displayed information
- Add iOS 13 deprecation warning
04/29/2021 — New instances and features for summer term 2021
Instances for the current summer term can be requested from May onwards using our request form.
- Attendance check for remote exams including ability to unblock and block submissions for students
- Individual solutions if randomized templates are used
- Correction flags allow to mark subproblems during correction for later review
02/12/2021 — TUMexam 2020ws.7 released
The new version comes with two new features:
- Proctoring with BBB and Zoom
It is now possible to distribute a group of students to multiple rooms in BBB or Zoom. The distribution can be done manually, e.g. for writing time extension, or automatically for an even distribution of attendees over rooms. To that end, links are simply copied to TUMexam. The respective proctoring link for each student is displayed when selecting the respective exam on the submission platform. Details can be found in our user manual in Section 3.3.4. - Editable sample solutions
Correctors can now jointly edit a sample solution when using the iPad app for correction. This allows to annotate the sample solution and provide details on how decisions were made to other correctors. We expect that corrections can benefit from that feature and become more consistent across different correctors.
02/03/2021 — New features for TUMexam announced
With the next update of TUMexam in the next week we will provide two new exciting features:
- Proctoring with BBB and Zoom
We are providing a new feature allowing to distribute a group of students to multiple rooms in BBB or Zoom. The distribution can be done manually, e.g. for writing time extension, or automatically for an even distribution of attendees over rooms. To that end, links are simply copied to TUMexam. The respective proctoring link for each student is displayed when selecting the respective exam on the submission platform. - Editable sample solutions
In a future version of TUMexam we will allow correctors to jointly edit a sample solution when using the iPad app for correction. This allows to annotate the sample solution and provide details on how decisions were made to other correctors. We expect that corrections can benefit from that feature and become more consistent across different correctors.
12/02/2020 — New instances for winter term 2020 available
Instances for the current winter term can be requested using our new request form.
11/23/2020 — Shutdown of instances for summer term 2020
In preparation for the winter term, all instances of summer term 2020 will by shut down by December 1st, 2020. Backends and feedback platform are no longer accessible after that date. Users will be notified when the archive disks are ready for pickup.
10/18/2020 — iPad App v2.6 released
The iPad App v2.6 is now available for download. Albeit many bug fixes and small enhancements, there are two new features of particular value:
Correction based on subproblems
You can now select one (or more) subproblems or select the corresponding page area. TUMexam then displays the selected area of multiple exams next to each other. That way you can correct independent subproblems faster and more consistent than ever before! -
Correction snippets
Handwritten correction notes can now be saved and used for other exams. Common mistakes can therefore corrected in detail once and the correction can be reused in subsequent exams.
08/13/2020 — 200 lectures with TUMexam and almost 1,700 online exams on one day
In the current summer term 200 lectures at 10 departments are using TUMexam. Approximately half of those lectures are using the new submission feature for remote exams.
Today examiners conducted almost 1,700 online exams — two examinations with 882 and 584 participants, respectively, were held simultaneously. The exams were delivered within less than 30 seconds to almost all participants, faster than any physical distribution system could work.
06/16/2020 — First TUMexam Remote Exam with 775 participants successful
The first fully remote exam with TUMexam took place today in our Basic Course Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (IN0010). After multiple dry runs as part of voluntary homeworks, we offered this 50min remote exam with an additional 15min of submission period today. The technical infrastructure proved to be very efficient and reliable.
Most of our students welcomed this new opportunity such that we look forward to a successful examination period in this and the upcoming semesters.
06/14/2020 — Instructions for remote exams with TUMexam and option for mixed-mode exams
We prepared a document for our students that explains how remote exams (submissions) with TUMexam work. The manual is available for download under Links and will be updated on a regular basis.
The option to offer “mixed exams” remote and on-site at the same time and under the same conditions may be of particular interest for examiners. Students can decide for the one or other option at the time of registration in TUMonline. This way, the necessary capacity for rooms is significantly reduced.
For more information, please write an email to
06/09/2020 — Instances for the summer term 2020 available
TUMexam instances for the summer term 2020 are available. Please write to and supply the following information:
- Name and abbreviation of the lecture as well as the module number
- Date of the exam
- The approximate number of students
- TUM-ID of the first user (additional users can be added)
If TUMexam is used for the first time at your chair, please send us an email containing the full name of your organizational unit (both English and German) as well as an abbreviation.
05/29/2020 — Information regarding remote exams (online submissions) with TUMexam
From summer term 2020 onwards, the Departments of Informatics and Mathematics use TUMexam not only for written exams and quizzes but also for online submissions in tutorials and for remote exams. More information for using TUMexam in remote exams can be found this guideline. Informationen for students how to work with submissions is provided in this document.
05/20/2020 — New features for the summer term 2020
Submissions (remote exams)
TUMexam now offers the possibility to distribute problem statements using our new review platform. These can be either filled out digitally, or printed, worked on, and scanned. Subsequently those solutions are submitted to our servers and feeded into the correction pipeline just as scanned exams. This new procedure is currently being evaluated in our Basic Corse Computer Networks with about 1200 attendees.
If you want to supervise remote exams, Big Blue Button hosted by the RBG might be a solution for you that is independent from TUMexam and fully compliant to data protection rules. -
Official Corona layouts for lecture halls
We integrate the official Corona layouts for lecture halls into TUMexam. In addition, we offer Layouts with zone-based overviews that show which students have to be seated first to conform to distance rules. -
LaTeX web editor
To ease access to our LaTeX template for users without LaTeX installation or without sufficient experience, we integrated a web editor. Since this feature is still under test, it is disabled by default. Please let us know if you want to use that feature. All other users that do not want to use LaTeX can, of course, provide own templates that can be uploaded in the TUMexam web interface. -
Reworked multiple choice functions
TUMexam now offers generalized calculation functions for multiple choice problems. More information can be found in the documentation of our LaTeX template. -
Distribution of students to lecture halls and seatplans
As an option, the distribution of students to lecture halls can now be based on registration numbers instead of names. Also, seatplans can now optionally be based on registration numbers. -
Extended help and notes in the web interface
The webinterface with its integrated help functions and notes has been notably improved.
01/23/2020 — Instances for the winter term 2019/20 available
TUMexam instances for the winter term 2019/20 are available. Please write to and supply the following information:
- Name and abbreviation of the lecture as well as the module number
- Date of the exam
- The approximate number of students
- TUM-ID of the first user (additional users can be added)
If TUMexam is used for the first time at your chair, please send us an email containing the full name of your organizational unit (both English and German) as well as an abbreviation.
01/22/2020 — Changelog Winter Term 2019/20
TUMexam comes with the following new features and improvements in the current winter term:
Web Backend
- Integration of the administrative control for exam reviews into the backend
- Optional solution for online reviews
- Individual exams can be downloaded as PDF
- Detailed exam results can be exported as CSV
- Magnification for not recognized page codes and student stickers
- Acceleration of image recognition and building of exams
- Howtos for all important function directly in the web interfaces
Exam Templates
- Support for single-sided exams (empty back page)
- Easier switching between conventional exams and exams using the Karpfinger-Klausur-Konzept
- Updated text on attendee lists
iPad App
- Problems already corrected can be reviewed/corrected again
- Extended filter, e.g. filtering by achieved credit count
- Overlay of a sample solution
- Updated user interface
- Live image with support for encrypted scan projects
- Automatic removal of projects after 7 days
- The new scanner at the Departments of Mathematics and Informatics supports automatic handling of multifeeds